Friday 2 March 2007


All I can say is – it is not okay to cheat on someone. If you are in a relationship you should be 100% committed no matter what. I mean everyone finds people attractive even if they are in a relationship, but you shouldn’t act upon it! You obviously think the person you are with is pretty great to be going out with them in the first place, so that is what you must remember if you are tempted. I don’t know if I’m just being terribly old fashioned (I am all of 19 years old) but that is just the way it should be.
If you’re in an open relationship then that’s a different story because that means you are both agreeing to it. I can’t think what kind of original relationship you must have if you need to go to others to be satisfied but there you go.
I define cheating as doing it behind your partners back (not literally of course - that’s just crossing a line) and that involves lying, selfishness and scheming. How can you look your partner in the eye when you’ve been with another behind their back? I couldn’t do it. I’m awfully honest though. It’s just such a horrible thing to do if you do cheat. I mean if you’re unhappy then leave that person and pursue the next – don’t have that ‘cake’ and eat it! A relationship is a two way street – a compromise - and if you’re a person that only thinks of themselves then you shouldn’t be in one.
Heres a helpful site if you've been a victim of infidelity -

1 comment:

Katmellie said...

I AGREE WITH YOU!! BURN ALL THOSE CHEATING BUGGERS!! (musn't swear in public, it's bad....!)

If you're going to cheat on someone, then don't bother being in a relationship with that person and just have one night stands. Least then you can do what you want, even though I don't agree with one night stands either. But least then, you're not ruining you're relationship or hurting you partner.